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Top 3 Advice that I wish I knew when I started hitting the gym

1. The key to results is – Consistency.

It doesn’t matter if you start your weightlifting journey by going to the gym 7 days a week if you are not going to be consistent afterwards. Less is more! Start slowly with 2 workouts a week and grow from there. If you haven’t gone to the gym until now, what makes you think you will go every day from now on? It’s unrealistic and overambitious. Soon, if you cannot attend for a day or two, you will feel frustrated and give up. Not because you don’t want it, but because you were too hard on yourself and didn’t allow your body and mind to adapt to a new routine. Start slowly, stay consistent, and results will come!

2. Start nurturing your body and soul with a – Balanced Diet.

It’s important to maintain a balanced diet not only for your physical health but also for your mental well-being and gains. If you want to see results in the gym, it’s essential to follow a balanced diet and preferably a meal plan created by a qualified nutritionist. Don’t make the mistake of following your friend’s diet, assuming it’ll work for you too. Every individual’s dietary requirements are different, so it’s crucial to design a meal plan that suits your body’s needs.

3. Start focused on the – Form.

When you start going to the gym, it is important to focus on your form rather than increasing the weight. Progression will come naturally, but starting with an incorrect form can lead to injuries or prevent you from targeting the desired muscle. You can hire a sports professional to create a workout plan, or if you are on a tight budget, you can find online content or download an app to guide you and help you follow a consistent plan. Following these three steps will produce noticeable results.


Please note that this information does not replace professional advice. If you have any doubts, always seek advice from a professional in the relevant field.



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