Terms And Conditions

Fiscal Data:

  • Ana Marta Martins
  • Rua Augusto Pina R/C Esquerdo 1500-065 Lisboa. 237955610
  • Tax Identification Number: 222 222 222
  • Email: [email protected]
1. Commercial Policy

1.1 The “seller” Ammar – Mental Health has products for sale on the website www.ammarmentalhealth.com, and the “ecommerce” services are exclusively available to end-users/consumers.
1.2 The “Consumer” refers to the individual who acts/purchases outside of their business or profession. If you are not a “consumer,” we request that you do not make purchases on the online sales website www.ammarmentalhealth.com.
1.3 Ammar – Mental Health reserves the right not to process orders received from users who are not “Consumers” or those that do not comply with the general terms of sale of the Seller Ammar – Mental Health.
1.4 These conditions and general terms of sale exclusively regulate the offer, transmission, and acceptance of orders placed at www.ammarmentalhealth.com between the consumers of Ammar’s online store (www.ammarmentalhealth.com) and the seller.
1.5 The “Consumer” must provide the “Seller” with an email address or other contact details that are correct and complete and agrees that the “Seller” may contact them using this information if necessary.

2. How to Order

2.1 To order on www.ammarmentalhealth.com, the user must have an email account and their browser must be configured to accept cookies and pop-ups, allowing full use of all the navigability conditions of the Ammar online store.
Ordering from the Ammar Online Store is easy:
– Find the products you want to purchase;
– Add the selected products to the Cart;
– Complete the purchase;
– Select the payment option;
– Review your order;
– Proceed to payment and confirm the order;
– When Ammar receives your order, you will receive an email with your order number and all its details. The purchase agreement is finalized at that moment.
– We reserve the right not to accept your order or to cancel it even after its automatic confirmation.
By submitting the order form, you accept the general purchasing conditions, as well as other conditions available at www.ammarmentalhealth.com through links, including the terms of use.
The seller may not process orders that do not have sufficient guarantee of good collection; when orders are incomplete or incorrect, or when the ordered products are no longer available. In these cases, we will inform you by email that the sales contract has not been concluded, specifying the reasons for this.
If the products displayed in the online store (www.ammarmentalhealth.com) are no longer available at the time of your last access or when the seller receives the order, the seller must inform you of their unavailability within 30 days after receiving the order.
If an order and its payment have been made for products that are no longer available, the seller will refund the money paid for the unavailable items.

2.2 Right to not accept the order or cancel the purchase
Ammar reserves the right to refuse any order for any reason. We also reserve the right to cancel any purchase (even if it has already been accepted by us), (among others) in the following situations, exempt from liability for any damages or costs:
– The product is no longer available/in stock (payments will be refunded);
– Billing information is incorrect or unverifiable;
– The order is flagged by our Security Systems as an incorrect order or an order susceptible to fraud;
– Payment transfer for the order has not been received by us within 5 days after accepting your order;
– If we believe you are under 16 years old;
– If we believe you are a reseller;
– If delivery to the provided address is not possible.

2.3 Data Verification
After receiving the order, we may perform some checks on it before preparing it.
These checks may include address verification, credibility, and fraud verification. Regarding fraud verification, we perform partially automated checks on all orders to filter out unusual, suspicious transactions, or transactions identified as susceptible to fraud. Fraud suspicions will be investigated and, if necessary, processed. By confirming your order, you agree to these conditions.

Guarantees and Price Indication of the Product

3.1 Payment Methods
You can find the available payment methods in the Payment Methods section of the website. We do not accept any other payment method other than those mentioned. Please do not attempt to pay by any means other than those specified. If you do so, we cannot be held responsible for the loss of payment or any other damages that may arise.

3.2 Payment Processing
If you proceed with payment by Credit Card, we will deduct the amount due from your account as soon as your order leaves our warehouse. In the case of payment by Credit Card, all details (such as card number or expiration date) will be sent through an encrypted protocol to the company providing remote electronic payment services, without third parties having access to the transmitted information.
This information will not be used by Ammar except to carry out the necessary procedures for the purchase or refund, in the case of returns, in accordance with the exercise of the right of return or for communication to the police in cases of fraud.

The purchase price of the products and the shipping costs, as indicated in the order form, will be charged to the account when the purchased products are actually shipped.

Order Security

4.1 The store www.ammarmentalhealth.com uses one of the most robust security technologies among the available encryption platforms.
Your payment information will be encrypted from the moment you enter it until your transaction is processed and will not be stored on a public server. Although we use encryption software, the security of information and payments transmitted over the Internet or via email cannot be guaranteed.
Ammar cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered as a result of the use of electronic communication means including, but not limited to, recurring damages from failures or delays in the delivery of electronic communications, interceptions or manipulations of electronic communications by third parties or by computer programs used for communications or transmission of viruses.
If you choose to pay by Multibanco Reference, we will begin processing the order after we have received the payment. This may take several days. After 3 calendar days have passed since the order was placed, and if we have not received any payment, Ammar reserves the right to cancel the order.
Payments can only be processed if the billing information can be verified.

Property Reservation
Ammar retains ownership of the products until it has received full payment for all of these products.


6.1 The prices of the products displayed on the website include Value Added Tax (VAT). Shipping fees are applied per order.
6.2 Prices are all quoted in euros.
6.3 Your total price
The total price specified in the final checkout menu includes taxes and shipping costs. Prices are quoted at the time of order confirmation, which you can print or download for future use. Please only pay the exact amount specified in the order confirmation and make individual payments per order.
6.4 Price Changes
The prices of products displayed on the website are subject to change. Ammar reserves the right to change prices without notice. The prices displayed at the time of purchase are the prices applied to that purchase.
6.5 Price Errors
Please note that even though the site is updated with extreme care, it is possible that the price information on the site may contain errors. Ammar does not commit to the offer and reserves the right to cancel your order in case such an error occurs.

Quality and Warranty

Ammar does not sell defective products or products of inferior quality to market standards. The main features of each product shown on www.ammarmentalhealth.com are listed on each respective product page.
The products offered for sale on www.ammarmentalhealth.com may not exactly match the actual appearance in terms of image and colors, due to the internet browser and monitor used.

Shipping and Delivery

8.1 Delivery: where and when
We deliver products from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. We do not ship on certain holidays. We can only fulfill the delivery of an order if the delivery address is a house or an office located in one of the countries mentioned in the list of countries available in the Delivery menu.
To receive the order, it is necessary to ensure that someone is at the address. This service does not include scheduling or appointment options, so the delivery of the order will be made without prior contact by the carrier. We do not guarantee this timeframe during promotions, sales, Christmas, epidemic periods, or in case of stock shortage.
A delivery is considered made or a product is considered delivered with the signature of the delivery receipt at the agreed address.
8.2 Delivery Times
If you confirm your order on a business day by 12 pm and make payment by Credit Card, your order will be shipped within the maximum delivery time referenced on each product page, which may vary between 3 – 15 business days. If you choose payment by Multibanco reference, the processing is less efficient, as we will only process it after receiving the payment.
Ammar – Mental Health will not be responsible for failure to comply, or delay in compliance, with any obligation due to an event of force majeure, that is, an event, act, or omission, beyond its reasonable control (Force Majeure Event – which includes any event, act, or omission, beyond the reasonable control of Ammar – Mental Health).
We will try to deliver on the expected time, to the extent that it is commercially reasonable. We usually proceed in this way, however, we cannot guarantee timely delivery.
8.3 Partial Deliveries
Whenever possible, we will try to deliver everything in a single shipment. However, we reserve the right to split the delivery of the order, for example (but not limited to) if a part of the order is delayed or unavailable. In the event that we split the order, the customer will be notified, by email, of our intention to proceed in this way. The email address provided by the customer at the time of purchase will be used for this purpose.
8.4 Inspection at the time of delivery
At the time of delivery, the customer must inspect the packaging for any damage. If you find that the products are damaged, you should not accept delivery of the order, which will be returned. Ammar will refund the amounts paid for the order and transportation as soon as it receives and completes the return process.
Any claim of non-receipt of the order must be made within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of placing the order. After this period, Ammar cannot be held responsible for its loss.

Shipping Fees

9.1 Free Shipping
If the customer places an order whose value exceeds the minimum order value set for their country or campaign, shipping will be done at no cost, i.e., free of charge.

  • 10.1 Cancellation of the order before shipment
    The customer may cancel the order, provided it has not yet been shipped. If the customer places an order and wishes to cancel it, they should contact our Customer Support Service and request the cancellation of their order, through the email address [email protected].
    If the cancellation request is successful, the customer will be notified by email of this decision, and the cancellation will be processed at no cost to the customer. If the cancellation request is not possible, the products will be sent to the customer who, if they still wish to cancel the order, should refuse to accept them. The products will be returned, and upon receipt, the refund will be processed.
    10.2 Return of Defective Products
    The customer has the right to return delivered products if it is found that they have defects or other non-conformities regarding the ordered products. The return can be made within 30 days after receiving the order. This does not affect your statutory rights. If your claim is justified, the price and shipping costs will be refunded.
    10.3 Return of Products for Withdrawal
    If for any reason you are not satisfied with the products you ordered, you can proceed with their return within 30 calendar days after receipt, provided that:
  • The products have not been used;
  • The product maintains its original characteristics, and the packaging is not damaged (carefully opened packages will not be considered damaged);
  • You cannot return:
  • Products that have been tampered with;
    10.4 Return Information
    If the customer wishes to return the items, Ammar will bear the shipping and return expenses on all orders.
    Refunds will be made based on the form of payment. If the customer makes payment by Multibanco reference, it is necessary for the customer to provide their bank details to our Customer Support when initiating the return process. This information is necessary for us to proceed with the refund to your account. The customer will receive the refund after the product(s) have been returned and processed.
    For additional information on the return process and refund times, please consult the Help/FAQ section of the website. Please read the help instructions in that section and follow the instructions carefully to avoid unnecessary delays.
Customer Support

11.1 For additional information, you can contact the seller via email at [email protected].
Conditions applicable to Promotional Codes (discounts)
12.1 When used in accordance with the established rules, a promotional code entitles the user to enjoy a promotion/discount related to the purchase of a specific product or a set of products, during the period indicated/associated with the promotional code/campaign.
12.2 Promotional codes can only be used in online purchases made on the website. Selling, exchanging, or donating a promotional code is not allowed. The customer holding the promotional code cannot upload or provide a promotional code on any website or other public form of offer, donation, sale, or exchange. The use of promotional codes for commercial purposes is not allowed.
12.3 The promotional code is connected with the Ammar brand. The use of the promotional code in connection with another brand, company, or name is not allowed. Likewise, the use of the promotional code in an illegal, abusive, or disrespectful manner, as well as in any other way that may harm the reputation of Ammar, is not allowed.
12.4 The use of the promotional code is conditioned to only one use per product and per order. Promotional codes cannot be combined with any other promotions or special offers.
12.5 Promotional codes are not exchangeable for cash.
12.6 Ammar has no obligation to reissue or refund promotional codes. However, if Ammar decides to reissue or refund a promotional code, you need to have access to the original promotional code. Therefore, it is necessary to save a copy of your promotional code, as otherwise, it cannot be reissued or replaced in case of loss.
12.7 In cases where Ammar reissues/refunds the promotional code, the discount of that amount can only be applied to a purchase of equal or higher value than the purchase in which the discount/promotional code was issued.
12.8 Without prejudice to any other rights, Ammar may have/has the right to immediately invalidate the promotional code if Ammar has reasons to suspect that a promotional code is being used: in violation of the above-mentioned assumptions, by usurpation, or in other cases where Ammar has reasons to proceed in this way.


Fulfillment of all orders placed on the website is subject to availability. Ammar tries to ensure that all items offered for sale on the site are in stock. However, Ammar reserves the right not to accept any orders or to cancel confirmed orders for products that are no longer in stock. In these cases, Ammar will inform the customer of this fact and will proceed to refund the amount paid.
Validity of the Promotion
The offers on the website are valid only for the moment they are displayed on the website, unless information to the contrary is communicated on the website. Ammar is not bound by any offer if errors or misspellings, prices, or other information on the website occur. Ammar reserves the right to cancel any purchase and sale made under such errors.


15.1 Ammar shall only be liable for damages suffered by the customer if such damages result from breaches attributable to Ammar’s contractual obligations to the customer, or if Ammar’s liability results from applicable legal rights.
15.2 If the customer has suffered damages related to the activity of the website, Ammar’s liability shall be limited to:
Damages to Ammar products or other materials;
Reasonable and provable costs incurred by the customer to ascertain the cause and amount of compensation attributable to the damage;
The maximum refund of the above-mentioned compensation shall be (if applicable) the price of the products in question.
15.3 Ammar shall not be liable for damages suffered by the customer as a result of improper use of our products.
15.4 Ammar is not responsible for damages that result from incorrect information on the website.
15.5 In the event that the customer suffers damages that result from gross negligence or willful misconduct by Ammar, none of the limitations in this article apply.

Applicable Law

These general conditions and all disputes arising out of or in connection with these general conditions, including their validity, the use of the site, or any purchase therein, shall be governed by Portuguese Law.

Change of Terms & Conditions

Ammar has the right to change these Terms & Conditions at any time. The customer is subject to the principles and terms in force at the time of their order, unless the law or competent authority impose any changes to them.

Information on the website

Although Ammar works on its website with all care, the information, texts, graphics, films, music, and/or other services may contain errors or be incomplete or incorrect. Ammar shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use (or inability to use) the website, including damages caused by viruses or any inaccuracy or imperfection of the information, unless such damage results from Ammar’s fraud or negligence.

Trademarks and Copyrights of the Website

The user/customer of the site is not authorized to use or reproduce any of these trademarks or registered names as this constitutes a violation of the rights of the owners.

Everything related to the design, texts, documents, films, music, and/or other services of the site, the selection and organization thereof, as well as all the compilation of software (including applets) and all other materials of the site are the property of Ammar and its suppliers.

Users/customers are only authorized to electronically copy and print portions of the site if necessary to place an order on it or to use the site as a source for the purchase.

The user/customer is not authorized to make any other use of the site or the information and materials contained therein, including reproduction for purposes other than those mentioned above, modification, distribution, or republication.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

In case of a dispute, the consumer may resort to Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities. More information at the Consumer Portal www.consumidor.pt. Here are the locations and contacts of each of the entities, and you should select the one that is in your area of residence:

CNIACC: National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts Faculty of Law of Nova University of Lisbon – Campus de Campolide – www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org

CIMAAL – Center for Information, Mediation and Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of the Algarve. Ninho de Empresas Building – Estrada da Penha 8005-131 Faro – www.consumidoronline.pt

Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of the District of Coimbra – Av. Fernão Magalhães, n.º 240, 1º 3000-172 Coimbra – www.centrodearbitragemdecoimbra.com

Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of Lisbon – Rua dos Douradores, 116, 2º 1100-207 Lisbon – www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt

Contracts concluded in the Autonomous Region of Madeira – Rua da Figueira Preta, n.º 10, 3rd floor 9050-014 Funchal – [email protected]

Consumer Information and Arbitration Center of Porto – Rua Damião de Góis, 31 – Shop 6 4050-225 Porto – www.cicap.pt

Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of Vale do Ave – Rua Capitão Alfredo Guimarães, n.º 1 4800-019 Guimarães – www.triave.pt

Information, Mediation, and Consumer Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court). BRAGA: Rua D Afonso Henriques, nº1 (Ed Junta de Freguesia da Sé) 4700 – 030 Braga. VIANA DO CASTELO: Av. Rocha Paris, nº 103 (Edifício Vila Rosa) 4900 – 394 Viana do Castelo – www.ciab.pt

If the user/customer wishes to use information or materials from the site, they need to obtain prior written authorization granted by Ammar.



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